Service Schedule

Fellow Service and Lab Schedule: (special access required)

Fellow Schedule 2020-2021 vMay 6.xlsx

Fellow Coverage for General Cardiology Schedule

EP fellows are required to cover 1-2 weekends of general cardiology wards every 6 months. You are assigned a set of admitted patients to round on, acting under one of the staff on call that weekend (who will also be rounding on their own set of patients). After rounding, the on-call cardiology resident will cover these patients. Be sure to let them know if you have any concerns or issues they should follow up on.

Updated schedule for Fellow coverage of general cardiology call is only available via HeartHub (only accessible on UOHI computers). On HeartHub, select 'Tools & Resources', then 'Cardiology Call Schedule', then 'Cardiology Fellows' Schedule'.

Direct link is '' (note: this will only work on UOHI computers).

Staff Schedule

Updated staff schedule is only available via HeartHub (only accessible on UOHI computers). On HeartHub, select 'Tools & Resources', then 'Cardiology Call Schedule', then 'Cardiology Call Schedule'.

Direct link is '' (note: this will only work on UOHI computers).